Muscular man doing yoga.

Priorities in Sport: Why Your Mental Health Must Come First

Whether we notice it or not, mental health has a massive impact on our well-being and physical health.

Many experts believe that mental health sets the tone for how the body performs in sports and other activities.

To put it into perspective, about 1 in 8 people worldwide experience some type of mental health condition in any given year.

Sports can take a toll on players, especially those playing at an advanced level, and that includes a decline in mental health and other challenges that Asteralabs can offer solutions to.

However, we often don’t prioritize our mental health despite the apparent significance.

This article discusses vital reasons why sports personalities should put mental health first.

What is Mental Health?

There are a lot of definitions attached to mental health, and without a clear understanding, many people stigmatize those suffering from related issues.

It’s somewhat of a taboo in sports, but it can’t be wished away.

Mental health refers to one’s overall psychological well-being and the condition of one’s emotional, cognitive, and social functions.

It covers different parts of one’s life and influences one’s relationships and general outlook on life.

Why Must Mental Health Come First?

Mental Health Affects the Brain & Cognitive Functioning

The brain is crucially underrated, but a lot is tied to it.

Have you ever felt anxious or depressed and can’t seem to understand anything? That’s how poor mental health works.

It affects the way your brain works and sees things.

It would help if you prioritize your mental health for your cognitive functions, such as perception, memory, thinking abilities, reasoning, and problem-solving.

When you do so, you automatically improve your chances of having clear thoughts and better decision-making ability.

Also, you can quickly learn and adapt to new information and experiences.

Mental Health Influences Your Physical Health

You love the way your body moves and how it feels to get one over your opponents and win.

However, you wouldn’t be able to do all that and be in top physical condition without your brain and other mental components.

Your mental health influences the rest of your physical health because they are interconnected.

When you have issues sleeping, heart palpitations, and some physical trauma, these conditions can be traced back to your mental health.

Besides, you’ll need a strong will to recover from such ailments – your mental health plays a critical role in recovery.

Mental Health Impacts Our Relationships

Human relationships are important and showcase why mental health must come first.

They are a significant aspect that helps us develop positive, meaningful, and lasting relationships with others.

Mental health impacts communication, healthy boundaries, empathy, and other aspects of our lives.

These factors affect how we relate to others.

Mental Health can Help You Build Resilience & Emotional Stamina

The world of sports is a tough one, rigged with many challenges.

That’s why a thick skin goes a long way; how we react to tough and down times reflects on our mental health.

It helps us build resilience and the emotional stamina to cope with challenges, setbacks, and changes while maintaining balance and well-being.

Mental Health Helps You Build a Positive Self-image

With a positive self-image, you can make giant strides in your sport.

It’s alright to feel down occasionally because some factors are out of our control.

However, we must not let it affect our self-esteem and self-worth.

Good mental health will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses and how to navigate them without dwelling on your limitations.

When you’re confident in your abilities, competing and maintaining a healthy streak are easier.


Taking care of your mental health is a priority you shouldn’t ignore.

Look after yourself, your feelings, and how different factors affect your attitude.

Mental Health can be improved, sometimes, all we need is a change in our lifestyle and approach to sport.

Overall, mental health affects what you can achieve physically, and with these benefits above, it’s easy to see why you must put it first.

Remember, you don’t have to deal with mental health issues alone, you can talk to your trusted family, a support group, or a specialist.

Credit: Cottonbro studio on pexels

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