american flag over the country's map

The benefits of studying in the USA

For many international high school students, the United States is one of the first options when they start thinking about choosing a university or college.

According to recent studies, nearly 1.3 million international students study in the US.

The Americans themselves, first of all, also consider studying in their own country, and not a trip abroad.

What is the reason for this? We will try to understand it in this article.

1. Some of the best universities in the world

Well, simple as it is, American universities are famous worldwide. Finding someone who hasn’t heard about The Ivy League is hard.

Even if you are far from engineering and don’t want to get into some technical profession, you’ve probably heard about MIT.

How many TV series did we see that the leading character was dreaming about going to Harvard, Yale, or Princeton?

Every year American universities and colleges receive top positions in the ranking of the best universities in the world.

Just imagine that, for example, in 2019, among the top 100 universities, 33 were from the USA, and that’s a great result. 

2. Freedom of choice

American universities and colleges give you as much freedom as possible.

First, you can choose from thousands of different programs and courses you want to study: you can select subjects, content, and structure of your learning process.

And what is also great is that you can learn several courses before you finally decide which course will be your main one at the end of the second year.

This freedom can sometimes be tricky because students can relax too much and forget that studying is hard work.

In such cases, when you have problems when doing your homework, you should use the help of special writing services.

If there is no other way and you can’t cope, make sure to use a reliable service.

To do that, you can look through reviews on and just the most suitable option. 

3. Cultural diversity

For sure, I’ve heard that the USA is called a melting pot of different nations, cultures, and races.

Finding another country with such diversity would be hard, even if you wanted to.

American culture was influenced by immigrants’ cultures (British, Dutch, Irish, Italian, and Spanish, to name a few) and indigenous cultures.

And in college towns and cities and on campus especially, you can notice this diversity ideally.

Studying and growing when surrounded by this diversity will give you strong personality traits and skills to be valued and appreciated in the international market.

Plus, you will be able to get to know and try so many new things, learn about different traditions, customs, and superstitions, celebrate new holidays or festivals, and even learn new languages.

You can also share some studying life hacks with your friend, like using writing services.

For example, you can send the link to the webpage where Will Martings left his review of, so perhaps it can be helpful for your friends if they consider EssayPro as an option.    

4.Campus life

Remember what you thought when watching romantic college comedies about college kids in the USA?

It probably was something like, “I wish I could study there too.”.

Different exciting events and festivals, proms, cheerleading, amazing sports competitions, parties, and fraternity.

When you see that, you automatically want to be involved. And that’s what you can get if you study in college in the USA.   

5. You will have friends with people from around the world

You can be sure you will be one of many international students at your university.

So, you will have an excellent opportunity to meet people from all over the world.

It not only helps you to master your communication skills, but it can also bring some benefits in the future.

You never know where you will end up, and maybe one day, your college friend will help you, or you will do it to your friend. 

6. Wide range of climates

The cool thing about the geographical position of the USA is that it has a variety of climates.

So you can find a perfect spot in any case, whether you prefer snow almost all year round or want to have the possibility to enjoy a warm climate, you may want to live near the beach or see the mountains out of your windows.

Everything is possible in the USA.

7.Perfect experience for your CV

If you study abroad, especially in the USA, it will be a great item in your CV.

Employers appreciate candidates with international experience.

It will distinguish you from others and set your CV apart.

Studying abroad at such a young age shows your best personal qualities, such as curiosity, independence, and courage, and that you are willing to get new experiences.

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