A lone page of the Bible lay soaked in torrential rain today outside Westminster Abbey as tourists passed it by hours before the King’s Coronation.
The lavish crowning ceremony begins tomorrow at 11am in the Abbey following the King’s Procession from Buckingham Palace.
While the Mall up to Buckingham Palace was already crowded with eager campers keen to get a good view, the holy church was surrounded only by passers-by due to restrictions around setting up camp in the area.
However, thousands were able to catch a glimpse of the King and Queen leaving the Abbey following a last-minute Coronation rehearsal.
A Marshal at the Abbey said: “We are very excited to be here, this is a once in a life-time opportunity. We feel honoured.”
Police presence had been ramped up in the surrounding area with forces from locations across the UK including Devon and Cornwall, and Wales being called on to ensure a smooth running of the day.

A police officer suggested that there would possibly be more officers present for the Coronation than there were for the late-Queen’s funeral.

Press had set up opposite the Abbey but apart from this, police and a few lone religious relics were the only permanent spectators.
A single page of the bible lay soaked outside the church unnoticed by most passers-by.
There was also a female preacher who attempted to dish out leaflets to largely apathetic members of the public.

While also celebratory, the Coronation of a British Monarch has also served as a solemn religious occasion.
All image and video credits: Noor Qurashi
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