Children compete in community sports day alongside GB sprinter

WATCH: GB sprinter Daryll Neita aims to inspire next generation through athletics community

The Daryll Neita Athletics Community, launched by Team GB sprinter Daryll Neita, aims to break down barriers to participation and inspire the next generation to take to the track.

The first community sports event was held at Sutcliffe Park Sports Centre in Eltham and witnessed 100 primary school children from years 4, 5 and 6 compete in track and field events including 100m sprints and javelin.

Born and raised in south east London, Neita herself was scouted at just eight years old during her primary school sports day – a moment that prompted her to want to give back to her home community.

She said: “If I hadn’t competed in my school sports day in year 6 and had my potential recognised by an athletics coach who was there on the day, I wouldn’t be doing what I am now.”

Neita is looking to upgrade her bronze medal from the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 in Paris this summer, but the track star does not have tunnel vision when it comes to inspiring the next generation.

She added: “I want to make sure that while I’m getting on with what I’m doing on the track, I also make time to think about what could happen after me, about the young talent that will come after me.

“London is a place of so much opportunity but we have to make it happen.

“It’s my mission to create a space which supports the athletes of the future.”

Watch the video below to find out more.

Featured image credit: VOW Nutrition

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