Concussion is a common injury for English rugby union players of all abilities.
For decades it wasn’t taken seriously, but slowly the tides are beginning to change.
For too long it’s been hidden in plain sight.
What is Concussion?
A concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury that comes about when a powerful blow to the head, or another part of the body, makes the brain rotate rapidly.
These impacts damage the brain’s nodes, which are responsible for exchanging electrical signals, and dramatically alter the way in which the organ functions.
Angled contacts with the side of the head (the weaker part of the skull) are called rotational forces and can cause serious neurological harm, twisting and tearing brain cells.
Head injuries of this nature arise in all contact sports, but rugby union players experience it more than most.
When a tackler makes contact with a ball-carrier’s head, or hits someone hard enough to provoke whiplash, concussion is unfortunately the likely outcome.
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